Student Research Travel Awards
Students may apply for travel awards to assist in the funding of travel for the purposes of research presentation and/or creative activities. All undergraduate students, including SRAP students and Honors College students, should use the Student Travel Award Application to apply for travel funds. This process is for Undergraduate Students, we recommend Graduate students contact the Graduate School ( to see if there is any funding available.
In order to be considered for these travel awards, students must apply by the deadline using the Student Travel Award Application. To access the application, click on the button below:
Student Research Travel Award Application (Undergraduate)
Complete the application and upload all required documents by the deadline date (see below). Please note: The application requires that you list a faculty sponsor. Once you submit the application, it will be routed to your faculty sponsor for approval. Once approval is obtained, your application will be reviewed by the Undergraduate Research Committee who will select proposals based on the merit of research and benefit to the students.
Need help? If you have any questions or issues with completing the Student Travel Award Application, please contact Lisa Connell ( and Nate Lawres (
Students may apply for funding for upcoming conferences at which they will be presenting, or they may apply for reimbursement funding for conferences at which they have already presented during this academic year.
Fall Semester Application Deadline: October 18, 2024
Spring Semester Application Deadline 1: February 14, 2025
Spring Semester Application Deadline 2: April 18, 2025
Who can apply for this award?
- All undergraduate students in good standing who pay student activity fees. Applicants must have a faculty mentor who has approved their research project.
When can I apply for the award?
- There is one application cycle every semester. The Fall application deadline is usually mid-October, and the Spring application cycle is usually mid-February. If funds are still available, sometimes a third application cycle occurs in April.
How are funding decisions made?
- The 在线博彩 Undergraduate Research Committee reviews all applications and makes decisions on how to allocate funds. The committee does their best to ensure that funds are equitably allocated within the bounds of the budget for that semester.
When will I find out if I have been awarded?
- Awardees are generally notified by late October for fall, by late February for spring, and by late April for summer (when applicable).
What can I request funding for?
- You can request funding for transportation (flights, mileage, etc), conference registration, lodging in a hotel, and other anticipated expenses, excluding food. Please note: We can only reimburse costs associated with lodging in a hotel (no AirBnB’s, VRBO’s, etc).
Can I request funding for lodging if I'm presenting at a conference in Atlanta?
- No. We're only able to fund lodging requests for stays outside of the greater metro Atlanta area.
Do I need to keep receipts to get reimbursed?
- Yes! We can only reimburse you for costs that are documented through receipts and/or invoices.
Will I receive the full amount of my request?
- Since funds are limited, we cannot guarantee funding for all costs associated with your travel.
Will I receive the full amount I am awarded?
- Not necessarily. We can only reimburse costs for which you have receipts and/or invoices.
When will I get reimbursed?
- After your travel.
How do I get reimbursed?
- Following acceptance of your award, you will work with Mrs. Nikki Adair ( on all necessary paperwork and receipt submissions required for reimbursement. Remember that it is your responsibility to make sure you turn in all required paperwork and receipts for your reimbursement. Mrs. Adair will not remind you more than twice, and if you do not follow through with filing everything, you will not get reimbursed.
I’ve never set a budget for conference travel or for a grant or award, can I get help with this?
- Absolutely! We are happy to provide information, tips, and tricks on budgeting for conference travel. Please reach out to Dr. Nathan Lawres ( or Dr. Lisa Connell ( with any questions you might have. Your faculty mentor(s) are also seasoned conference participants and can also provide you with guidance on setting a budget.
I’ve never been to a conference before, where should I stay?
- You will have many lodging options in the city where your conference is being hosted. Remember that funding for this award is limited and that you will have to pay for it up front before being reimbursed, so you will want to find lodging that is affordable. Most conferences will have an official “Conference Hotel” that will offer a discounted rate for conference attendees. Sometimes these rates can be cheaper than surrounding hotels, but many times they are not. Oftentimes, conferences will also have blocks of rooms dedicated for students at surrounding hotels. These are usually good options. If your conference does not provide this, try doing a Google search and finding hotels within walking distance of the conference location. Just remember that for your award, the lodging must be an actual hotel and not an AirBnB or VRBO.
What if there are several students going to the same conference, can we split costs?
- Absolutely! This is encouraged so that travel is more affordable and so that students are able to support each other in their work. Be sure to note in your application that hotel costs will be shared/split. When working with Ms. Adair on your reimbursements, be sure she knows this as well.
What if my parents helped pay for things up front, can I still get reimbursed?
- Yes, but we will need to have written permission from your parents for this. This permission will need to be submitted with your initial reimbursement paperwork.
What if I get awarded but something happens where I am no longer able to travel to the conference?
- We understand that life can be complicated, and things happen beyond our control, and this is okay. If that happens to you, please be sure to let us know by reaching out to Dr. Nathan Lawres (, Dr. Lisa Connell (, and Mrs. Nikki Adair (