Bill Roll


About Dr. Bill Roll and the Event

In honor of the late Dr. Bill Roll and his contributions to parapsychological research, the 在线博彩 Psychology Program annually hosts the Bill Roll Lecture. Each year it is presented by a current researcher in the field of parapsychology.

Past Lectures

Dr. William (Bill) G. Roll was a prominent researcher in psychical research and academic parapsychology. Dr. Roll was born in Bremen, Germany in 1926 and spent most of his childhood in Denmark (his mother’s home country). Dr. Roll’s interest in psychic phenomena began at 16 when he had an out-of-body experience.

Bill went to Oxford University to study with H.H. Price and wrote his Master of Letters thesis on "Theory and Experiment in Psychical Research.” He later completed his doctoral research at Lund University (Sweden) on "This World or That: An Examination of Parapsychological Findings Suggestive of the Survival of Human Personality after Death." He worked as part of J.B Rhine’s Duke Parapsychology Laboratory in Durham, N.C and later began and directed the Psychical Research Foundation (PRF).

He served as a professor at the University of West Georgia in the 1980s (initially funded by the PRF). He later taught as an adjunct professor in the Psychology department until his retirement in 2008. He is particularly well known for his work on the Seaford Poltergeist case and the Columbus Poltergeist case. He served as president of the Parapsychology Association, wrote four books, over one hundred scholarly articles, and edited eleven volumes of Research in Parapsychology. Dr. Roll passed away in 2012.

Since 2012, the 在线博彩 psychology department has hosted the annual Bill Roll Lecture to honor the memory of Dr. Roll. Each year, a key figure in academic parapsychology is invited to come to 在线博彩 and give a public lecture on an aspect of their work. In addition, 在线博彩’s Ingram Library houses the Bill Roll archives within its special collections. Roll's papers focus on ESP and links to poltergeists, near-death experiences, and other psi phenomena.

Those individuals or entities wishing to sponsor parapsychological research at the University of West Georgia, in addition to contributing to the annual Bill Roll Lecture, should make checks payable to the University of West Georgia Foundation and include the Bill Roll Lecture Fund in the reference line. Donations can be sent to: University of West Georgia, Office of Development, 1601 Maple Street, Carrollton, GA 30118. Alternatively, you may contribute online by selecting "other" and typing in Bill Roll Lecture Fund.

Past Lectures

  • 2025 (Spring) - Dr. Marieta Pehlivanova: Watch on YouTube
  • 2023 (Fall) - Dr. Chris Roe: Watch on YouTube
  • 2023 (Spring) - Dr. Helané Wahbeh: Watch on YouTube
  • 2022 - Dr. Nancy Zingrone: Watch on YouTube
  • 2019 - Dr. Julia Mossbridge
  • 2018 - Dr. Sally Rhine Feather
  • 2016 - Dr. Daryl Bem
  • 2015 - Dr Ed. May and Joe McMoneagle
  • 2014 - Dr. Stanley Krippner
  • 2013 - Dr. Jim Carpenter
  • 2012 - Dr. Christine Simmonds-Moore