The University of West Georgia currently has several articulation agreements with West Georgia Technical College. These agreements outline how the credits from WGTC’s associate degree programs seamlessly transfer to 在线博彩’s bachelor programs within the same subject areas.

Courses guaranteed to transfer from the Technical System of Georgia Schools are listed here.

The benefit to transferring through an Articulation Agreement is that you are a part of our Continue West program, guaranteeing admission since you will:

  1. Be admissible regardless of your Transfer Admission GPA
  2. Have more than 30 transferable hours

Transferring from University System of Georgia institutions

First, determine if you are transferring from another USG institution here.

The USG core curriculum was developed with the goals of assuring institutional accountability for learning, incorporating learning requirements in global perspectives and critical thinking, allowing institutions some flexibility in tailoring courses to their institutional mission, while ensuring that core curriculum courses completed at one USG institution or through eCore, the USG’s designated online core curriculum, are fully transferable to another USG institution.

All core curriculum requirements must be completed as part of the associate of arts, associate of science, bachelor of arts and bachelor of science degree programs.

Each institution’s core curriculum shall consist of 42 semester credit hours, with minimum credit hours in each area of the core as follows:

AreaArea NameDescriptionHours  Required
A1Communication OutcomesCourses that address learning outcomes in writing in EnglishAt least 6 hours
A2Quantitative OutcomesCourses that address learning outcomes in quantitative reasoningAt least 3 hours
BInstitutional OptionsCourses that address general education learning outcomes of the institution’s choosingAt least 3 hours
CHumanities, Fine Arts, and EthicsCourses that address learning outcomes in humanities, fine arts, and ethicsAt least 6 hours
DNatural Science, Mathematics, and TechnologyCourses that address learning outcomes in the natural sciences, mathematics, and technology.At least 7 hours. At least 4 of these hours must be in a lab science course.
ESocial SciencesCourses that address learning outcomes in the social sciencesAt least 6 hours
FLower-Division Major RequirementsLower division courses required by the degree program and courses that are prerequisites to major courses at higher levels18 hours

The specific learning outcomes for areas A through E of an institution’s core curriculum are approved by the Council on General Education.

Students completing any core curriculum course at one USG institution or through eCore will receive full credit for that course upon transfer to another USG institution within the same major, even if a core area is not completed and even if it means giving transfer credit across areas (e.g., credit of a math course in Area C).

Assessment of the core curriculum by each institution is required as part of their accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and by the USG Comprehensive Program Review process.

USG Policy Manual

WGTC Criminal Justice to 在线博彩 Criminology

  • Transfer Pathway to 在线博彩 (Core Areas A-F*) (PDF)
  • The only remaining courses are 3000-4000 level courses in your major
  • If enrolled in 18 hours/semester, bachelor’s can be completed within 3 semesters, or as few as 12 months if you take Summer courses.
  • Criminology is the only 在线博彩 bachelor’s program offered completely online; therefore, it can be completed on campus, online, or hybrid
  • Articulation Agreement (PDF)

WGTC General Business to 在线博彩 Bachelor's of Business Administration

  • Transfer Pathway to 在线博彩 (Core Areas A-F*) (PDF)
  • Only 17 remaining courses within your selected business major at the 3000-4000 level
  • If enrolled in 18 hours/semester, bachelor’s can be completed within 3 semesters, or as few as 12 months if you take Summer courses
  • Flexibility to select any bachelor’s program within our nationally ranked Richards College of Business: Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management, Marketing, Management Information Systems, or Real Estate
  • Articulation Agreement (PDF)

WGTC Nursing to 在线博彩 RN-BSN Bridge Program

  • Transferable courses to 在线博彩’s Core Areas A-F*
  • Separate application to the RN-BSN Bridge Program for Fall only required, acceptance is not guaranteed.
  • If core curriculum courses are complete at time of application, the BSN degree can be completed 100% online in two semesters (Fall & Spring).
  • Spring semester requires a leadership practicum; hours/rotation can be completed with student's health system or community health agency pending contract approvals between agency and Tanner Health School of Nursing.
  • Articulation Agreement (PDF)

WGTC Psychology to 在线博彩 Psychology

  • Transfer Pathway to 在线博彩 (Core Areas A-F*) (PDF)
  • Only 8-10 remaining psychology courses at the 3000-4000 level
  • If enrolled in 18 hours/semester, bachelor's can be completed within 3 semesters, or as few as 12 months if you take summer courses
  • With 4 credit courses available, fewer classes can be taken to complete the degree
  • Articulation Agreement (PDF)

*there is one course within Area B that does not have a transferable course from WGTC and would be required to take upon transfer to 在线博彩