student studying a clay jar

General Concentration

Anthropology aims to provide its undergraduate anthropology majors with a comprehensive introduction to anthropological knowledge through classroom instruction, experiential learning, and directed research opportunities.

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Plan Your Degree

Disclaimer: This program map is intended ONLY as a guide for students to plan their course of study. It does NOT replace any information in the Undergraduate Catalog, which is the official guide for completing degree requirements.

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
C1: ENGL 1101

English Composition I

M: MATH 1001 OR 1111

Quantitative Skills and Reasoning or College Algebra

I2: XIDS 2002

First Year Seminar

F: ANTH 1102

Introduction to Anthropology

T1: Science + Lab 4


  • Complete ENGL 1101 with C or better.
  • Complete Core IMPACTS Math.
  • Complete Lab Science.

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
C2: ENGL 1102

English Composition II

F: ANTH 1004, 1100, 1105, OR 2002

Introduction to Archeology, Faces of Culture, Introduction to Physical Anthropology, or Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

S: Social Science 3
T2: Non-lab Science 3
I1: Oral Communication 3


  • Complete ENGL 1102 with C or better.
  • Complete Non-lab science.
  • Begin ANTH sub-discipline courses.


15 Fall Credit Hours + 15 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
P: Citizenship 3
F: ANTH 1004, 1100, 1105, OR 2002

Introduction to Archeology, Faces of Culture, Introduction to Physical Anthropology, or Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

ANTH Elective

Upper Division Elective course

F: Major Elective 3
A: Humanities 3


  • Start Upper Division electives.

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
E: Social Science 3
F: ANTH 1004, 1100, 1105, OR 2002

Introduction to Archeology, Faces of Culture, Introduction to Physical Anthropology, or Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

ANTH Elective

Upper Division Elective course

T3: STEM Course 3
A: Humanities  3


  • Complete ANTH sub-discipline courses.


15/16 Fall Credit Hours + 15/16 Spring Credit Hours = 30/32 Credit Hours

Additional Information:

  • At least one ANTH Upper Division course is required in Linguistic Anthropology, Physical Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, and Archaeology. All options should be taken from an approved list available on WolfWatch.

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
P: Citizenship
ANTH Elective

Upper Division Elective course

ANTH Methods 4
Elective/Minor 3
Elective/Minor 3


  • Continue ANTH Upper Division Elective courses.
  • Begin Minor/Electives.
  • Complete ANTH Methods before Fall of Year 4.

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
ANTH Elective

Upper Division Elective course

ANTH Elective

Upper Division Elective course

ANTH Elective

Upper Division Elective course

Elective/Minor 3
F: Major Elective 3


  • Continue ANTH Upper Division Elective courses.
  • Begin Minor/Electives.
  • Complete all Core IMPACTS course.

Term 3: Summer

Course Name Credit Hours
ANTH Methods 4


  • Complete ANTH Methods before Fall of Year 4.



16 Fall Credit Hours + 15/16 Spring Credit Hours + 4 Summer Credit Hours = 35/36 Credit Hours

Additional Information:

  • At least one ANTH Upper Division course is required in Linguistic Anthropology, Physical Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, and Archaeology. All options should be taken from an approved list available on WolfWatch.
  • One Methods course is required for the major. Discuss which option is best with your advisor. The methods course may be taken any summer or during the year. Currently offered methods courses are: ANTH 3188 Ethnographic Field Methods (Summer), ANTH 3250 Field Methods in Physical Anthropology (Summer), ANTH 4102 Archaeological Field Methods (Summer), ANTH 4103 Field Methods in Cultural Resource Management (Summer), and ANTH 4176 Narratives and Storytelling (in-year option). All options should be taken from an approved list available on WolfWatch.

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
ANTH 4184

Anthropology Capstone

ANTH 4100

History of Anthropological Thought

ANTH Elective
Upper Division Elective course
ANTH Elective OR Elective/Minor

Upper Division Elective course or Minor/Elective course

Elective/Minor 3


  • Complete ANTH 4184 Capstone.
  • Complete ANTH 4100 Anth Thought.

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
ANTH Elective
Upper Division Elective course
Elective/Minor 3
Elective/Minor 3
Elective/Minor 3
Elective/Minor 3


15/16 Fall Credit Hours + 15/16 Spring Credit Hours = 30/33 Credit Hours

Additional Information:

  • ANTH 4100 and ANTH 4184 are offered every Fall. They may be taken in Year 3 or 4.
  • At least one ANTH Upper Division course is required in Linguistic Anthropology, Physical Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, and Archaeology. All options should be taken from an approved list available on WolfWatch.

Crush Your Course

First Year:

  • Take ANTH 1102 Intro to Anthropology & ANTH 1105 Intro to Physical Anthropology.
  • Take ANTH 1101 Voices of Culture.

Middle Years:

  • Complete Area F Anthropology courses.
  • Go ahead and take a Methods class in Anthropology and apply what you are learning!
  • Take upper-level courses in each Anthropology subfield.

Last Year:

  • Take ANTH 4184 and prepare your professional portfolio in Anthropology.
  • Finish your required courses and electives in Anthropology.

Find Your Place

First Year:

Middle Years:

  • Get involved in one of the Anthropology labs (Waring Archaeological Lab or BAFAL Biological and Forensic Lab)!
  • Talk to your mentors about research topics that interest you and consider doing undergraduate research in Anthropology!
  • Apply for various Waring scholarships and awards!

Last Year:

Broaden Your Perspectives

First Year:

 Middle Years:

Last Year:

Connect Off-Campus

First Year:

  • Visit Wolves Vote to learn about the voting process and registration.
  • Consider volunteering for a campaign or organization in your community.

Middle Years:

  • Complete an internship in your field.
  • Consider a summer or part-time job.
  • Ask your department about networking opportunities with alumni.

Last Year:

  • Ask for advice from professionals in your field of interest and explore career shadowing opportunities.
  • Ask your professors about attending a professional or academic conference and funding opportunities.
  • Apply to share your research at a conference presentation or poster session.

Take Care of Yourself

First Year:

Middle Years:

Last Year:

Pave Your Path

First Year:

Middle Year:

  • Draft your resume and attend a resume blitz.
  • Learn about how to network on social media and update your Handshake profile.
  • Draft your personal statement.
  • Visit the graduate school to find out about graduate programs and admission requirements.

Last Year:

  • Request references from professors and supervisors.
  • Draft your resume cover letter and personal statement and revise it with career services.
  • Attend business fairs and career fairs at 在线博彩 and across the state.
  • Attend an interview workshop.
    Apply for graduate programs.

Anthropology Careers

Photo from Anthropology’s new class taught by Nathan Lawres

Career Opportunities

This degree may help you get work as the following:

  • Archeologist
  • Crime Scene/Forensic Investigator
  • Counselor
  • Epidemiologist
  • Human Relations/Social Work
  • Law
  • Lobbying
  • Market Researcher
  • Marketing
  • Medical Anthropologist
  • Museum Curation and Docent/Tour Guide
  • Political Activism
  • Public Relations
  • UX/UI Researcher


Have any questions about your major?

Book an Advising Appointment

Don't forget to check out Wolf Watch to explore degree requirements!