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B.S. in Psychology

Our B.S. program supports undergraduate students in gaining a well-rounded understanding of the field of psychology by coupling traditional psychology classes with human science approaches. Students are encouraged to approach psychology in ways that can facilitate self-understanding alongside an understanding of others and society as a whole, in the service of personal and communal growth and development.

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Plan Your Degree

Disclaimer: This program map is intended ONLY as a guide for students to plan their course of study. It does NOT replace any information in the Undergraduate Catalog, which is the official guide for completing degree requirements.

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
C1: ENGL 1101

English Composition I

M: MATH 1401

(Recommended) Elementary Statistics

I2: XIDS 2002

First-Year Seminar

F: PSYC 1101

Intro to General Psychology

S1: HIST 1111 OR 1112

World History



  • Complete ENGL 1101 with a C or better.
  • Complete PSYC 1101 (pre-req for major courses)

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
C2: ENGL 1102

English Composition II

F: PSYC 2010

Psychology as a Human Science

P1: HIST 2111 OR 2112

US History

A: Humanities 3
T1: Science + Lab 4


  • Complete ENGL 1102 C or better.
  • Completion of 30 credit hours by the end of the second semester.


14 Fall Credit Hours + 16 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
P2: POLS 1101

American Government

F: Major Course (1)

(Additional information below)

F: Major Course (2)

(Additional information below)

T2: Non-lab Science 3
I1: Written and Oral Communication 3

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
F: Major Course (3)

(Additional information below)

F: Major Course (4)

(Additional information below)

A: Humanities 3
T3: STEM Course 3
S2: Social Science 3


  • Completion of 60 credit hours by the end of the semester.


15 Fall Credit Hours + 15 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours

Additional Information:

  • Area F: Major Course (1 and 3): PHIL 2010 (recommended); PHIL 2030 (recommended); PSYC 1030 (recommended); ART 1201, 2000, 2201, 2202; any 1000-level Music; any 2000- level English; any 1000/2000-level ANTH, COMM, CRIM, FREN/SPAN/GRMN/FORL, GEOG, POLS, PSYC, SOCI, THEA, XIDS
  • Area F: Major Course (2 and 4): PSYC 2220 Qualitative Research Methods (recommended); PSYC 2230 Quantitative Research Methods (recommended); PSYC 2003 Statistics in Psychology (recommended); MATH 1401 Introduction to Statistics (recommended); MATH 2063 Introductory Statistics (recommended); POLS 2601; any 1000/2000-level BIOL, CHEM, CISM, MATH, ECON, CS, PHYS

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
PSYC Course

(Additional Information below)

PSYC Course

(Additional Information below)

Minor Course 3
Minor Course 3


  • For Minor, all psychology majors are required to complete a minor consisting of 15-18 hours. (Please contact a representative from the department in which you intend to declare your minor for specific details regarding requirements for that department’s minor.)

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
PSYC Advanced Topics

(Any PSYC 3000 or 4000 level course)

Minor Course 3
Minor Course 3


  • For Minor, all psychology majors are required to complete a minor consisting of 15-18 hours. (Please contact a representative from the department in which you intend to declare your minor for specific details regarding requirements for that department’s minor.)
  • For Advanced Topics, 19 Hours of PSYC courses at or above the 3000 level (may include courses from the list below).


14 Fall Credit Hours + 15/18 Spring Credit Hours = 29/32 Credit Hours

Additional Information:

  • Select ONE course from the following list: PSYC 3010 (Human Growth & Development); PSYC 3150 (Abnormal Psychology); PSYC 3730 (Social Psychology); PSYC 3800 (Psychology of Mind/Body); PSYC 3900 (Personality Theories); PSYC 4000 (Humanistic Psychology); PSYC 4010 (Theories of Psychology); PSYC 4030 (History and Philosophy of Psychology); PSYC 4130 (Eastern and Transpersonal Psychology); PSYC 4350 (Culture and Psychology).

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
PSYC Advanced Topics 

(Any PSYC 3000 or 4000 level course)

PSYC Advanced Topics OR Minor Course

(Any PSYC 3000 or 4000 level course)

Minor Course 3


  • For Minor, all psychology majors are required to complete a minor consisting of 15-18 hours. (Please contact a representative from the department in which you intend to declare your minor for specific details regarding requirements for that department’s minor.)
  • For Advanced Topics, 19 Hours of PSYC courses at or above the 3000 level (may include courses from the list below).

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
PSYC 4884

Senior Seminar

Minor Course 4
General Elective 3
General Elective 3
General Elective 3


  • Capstone: PSYC 4884 – Integrative Seminar (Required for Majors Only)

14/18 Fall Credit Hours + 16 Spring Credit Hours = 30/34 Credit Hours

Crush Your Course

First Year:

Middle Years:

  • Take one of your upper-division major courses each semester to avoid getting overwhelming.
  • Build your understanding of research methods and theoretical foundations of psychology.

Last Year:

  • Present for or attend SPARC research conference.
  • Complete an internship to gain practical experience in the community.
  • Use your electives to explore other advanced topics in psychology by taking a PSYC 4085 seminar.
  • Be sure to enroll in the Integrative Seminar (PSYC 4884).

Find Your Place

First Year:

Middle Years:

Last Year:

  • Become an SI leader and gain teaching and tutoring skills by helping other psychology students.
  • Ask about research opportunities with your favorite Psychology professor.

Broaden Your Perspectives

First Year:

Middle Years:

Last Year:

Connect Off-Campus

First Year:

  • Visit Wolves Vote to learn about the voting process and registration.
  • Consider volunteering for a campaign or organization in your community.

Middle Years:

  • Complete an internship in your field.
  • Consider a summer or part-time job.
  • Ask your department about networking opportunities with alumni.

Last Year:

  • Ask for advice from professionals in your field of interest and explore career shadowing opportunities.
  • Ask your professors about attending a professional or academic conference and funding opportunities.
  • Apply to share your research at a conference presentation or poster session.

Take Care of Yourself

First Year:

Middle Years:

Last Year:

Pave Your Path

First Year:

Middle Year:

  • Draft your resume and attend a resume blitz.
  • Learn about how to network on social media and update your Handshake profile.
  • Draft your personal statement.
  • Visit the graduate school to find out about graduate programs and admission requirements.

Last Year:

  • Request references from professors and supervisors.
  • Draft your resume cover letter and personal statement and revise it with career services.
  • Attend business fairs and career fairs at 在线博彩 and across the state.
  • Attend an interview workshop.
  • Apply for graduate programs.


Two people talking

Career Opportunities

This degree may help you get work as the following:

  • Social and Community Services
  • HumanResources
  • Public Relations
  • Criminal Justice and Rehabilitation Services
  • Secondary Education Teaching and Administration
  • Counseling, Therapy, and Research (post-graduate school)


Have any questions about your major?

Book an Advising Appointment

Don't forget to check out Wolf Watch to explore degree requirements!